Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help

    Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help

    Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help

    Product Description

    The U.S. economic crisis has led the American people to unite in their efforts to strengthen the country. The U.S. debt has risen to over $11 trillion, with one third of the U.S. budget paying the interest only on this debt. As a result, tax revenues intended to fund our budget are not available to pay for education, social security, government workers, and essential programs that are important to taxpayers. Consequently, the task of writing a workable budget has become increasingly difficult. If our debt continues to rise, the time will come when we will no longer be able to pay the interest on the debt or fund our budget. What will happen to us then? How high can we afford to let the debt rise? The time has come for individual Americans to unite in their actions and focus on the big picture of the economic condition in the U.S. Pride in America offers resources and simple strategies to help. The final success or failure of our country lies in the hands of our generation.

    Pride in America: Our Economy and What YOU Can Do To Help


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